Exception Policies

MAIN MENU >   Policy > Exception Policies

You may configure exception policies to alert an employee and/or supervisor to specific events such as missing punches, early or late punches, or unscheduled absences.

See the Basic Operation section for details on viewing, adding, editing and deleting.


Exception Policy Tab
Active This flag activates or deactivates the exception.
Code The code for the exception that is displayed on employee's timesheet.
Name The name of the exception.
Severity You can define a severity level for each exception. There are four severity levels: Low, Medium, High, and Critical. You should only use the Critical severity level for exceptions that must be corrected before processing payroll. An example would be missing in or out punches, or missing lunch punches. If you do apply the Critical setting to some key exceptions, it can be easier for payroll administrators to have confidence in knowing when payroll is fully ready for processing.
Grace Grace periods on things like In Late, and Out Early.

For example, if an employee is 1 minute late, it won’t trigger an exception if the Grace period is set to 10 minutes.

Watch Window This is the amount of time that TimeTrex monitors this exception.

For example, if this setting for In Late is set to 1 hour and the employee is 1.5 hours late, an exception will not trigger; but if they are only 30 minutes late, then the exception will trigger.

Demerit Points The number of demerit points assigned to each exception.
Punch Notice Either Lock-Out (reject the punch) or display a warning notice with the option to Continue or Cancel the punch, if the system detects the punch would trigger this exception. Each Mobile App station must have the "Enable: Exception Notice" enabled for this to be activated.
Notify You can choose who will receive an alert when each exception is triggered. To receive these notifications, employees must enable Notifications in their Preferences. To notify a supervisor of an exception for one of their subordinates, both the employee and supervisor must belong to a Hierarchy, and the Exception object type must also be assigned to it.
Long Break B1 The Employee's punch-in exceeded the break length defined in the Break Policy.
Short Break B2 The employee punched below the break length defined in the Break Policy.
Too Many Breaks B3 The employee punched In/Out for more breaks than were scheduled.
Too Few Breaks B4 The employee punched In/Out for fewer breaks than were scheduled.
No Break B5 The employee did not punch In/Out for any scheduled break(s) during their shift.
Missed Check-In C1 Mostly used to indicate if security guards failed to check-in on their timesheet at regular intervals.
No Branch or Department D1 The employee did not punch into a branch or department.
Not Allowed on Branch D2 The branch the employee punched into is not assigned to them.
Not Allowed on Department D3 The department the employee punched into is not assigned to them.
GEO Fence Violation G1 The employee did not punch In/Out within an allowed GEO fence.
Not Allowed On Job J1 The job the employee punched into is not assigned to them.
Not Allowed On Task J2 The task the employee punched into is not assigned to them.
Job Completed J3 The employee punched into a job that is already completed. To trigger this exception, an End Date must be specified for the job and the status must be set to Completed.
No Job or Task J4 The employee did not punch into a job or task.
Long Lunch L1 The employee's lunch break exceeded the scheduled lunch break.
Short Lunch L2 The employee's lunch break was below the lunch break time scheduled.
No Lunch L3 The employee did not take a lunch break. There was both no In or Out punch made designated for lunch breaks.
Late Lunch L4 The employee did not punch out for lunch break by the Meal Policy Active After time plus the Grace period for this specific event.
Missing In Punch M1 The employee punched Out without punching In first. See Punching In/Out.
Missing Out Punch M2 The employee punched In without punching Out. This exception will not be triggered until the maximum shift time, set in the pay period schedule, from the first punch In has been exceeded. The Missing Out Punch exception can be delayed or not allowed to be triggered for some time. For more timely exceptions, consider using the scheduled Out Late exception instead.
Missing Lunch In/Out Punch M3 Lunch is missing one of the paired punches (In or Out).
Missing Break In/Out Punch M4 Break is missing one of the paired punches (In or Out).
Over Daily Time O1 The employee is over their daily scheduled time. This is used to notify that an employee has exceeded regular time and now working overtime.
Over Weekly Time O2 The employee is over their weekly scheduled time. This is used to notify that an employee has exceeded regular time and now working overtime.
Unscheduled Absence S1 No punch-in for a specific employee was logged during the entire time of the scheduled shift. The absence was not approved by a supervisor.
Not Scheduled S2 The employee was not scheduled to work, however a punch-in was logged.
In Early S3 A punch-in was logged before a scheduled shift start and beyond the set Grace Period for this specific event.
In Late S4 A punch-in or no punch was logged after a scheduled shift start and outside the set Grace Period for this event.
Out Early S5 A punch-out was logged before the scheduled end of shift was reached.
Out Late S6 A punch-out or no punch was logged after the scheduled end of shift was reached.
Over Daily Scheduled Time S7 The employee was punched-in for a total amount of time that exceeds their scheduled daily shift plus the allotted Grace Period, if any.
Under Daily Scheduled Time S8 The employee was punched-in for a total amount of time that is below their scheduled daily shift plus the allotted Grace Period, if any.
Over Weekly Scheduled Time S9 The employee was punched-in for a total amount of time that is over their scheduled weekly shift plus the allotted Grace Period, if any.
Not Scheduled Branch or Department SB The employee punched into a branch or department that wasn't assigned to their schedule.
Not Scheduled Job or Task SC The employee punched into a job or task that wasn't assigned to their schedule.
Not Scheduled Tags ST The employee punched into a tag that wasn't assigned to their schedule.
Not Allowed on Punch Tag T1 The punch tag the employee punched into is not assigned to them.
No Punch Tag T2 The employee did not punch into a punch tag.
Timesheet Not Verified V1 If Timesheet Verification is enabled, this is triggered when an employees timesheet has not been verified after the verification window opens and the Grace Period has been exceeded.
NOTE:  If Timesheet Verification is enabled, any exceptions set as critical severity must be corrected before the timesheet can be verified.