FAQ - Timesheets
Search criteria may be filtering out the punches that you are expecting to see.
The Currently Active icon, will appear within the Basic or Advanced search tab which indicates that a search criteria is currently active, which may limit the data that is displayed. Click the Clear Search button to clear all search fields and display all results in the listing again.
See also Search Panel.
To make changes to punches for one employee within a particular week, which is the most time that can be viewed on the timesheet screen:
Click on Attendance, then click TimeSheet in the main menu and use the Drag & Drop drop-down button to move and copy punches.
For mass changes, across multiple employees or over multiple weeks, it is more efficient to click Attendance, then click Punches in the main menu.
See Punches.
If an absence was created in the Schedule view, it appears on the schedule in red text and since schedules are related to TimeSheets the absence also appears on the TimeSheet except in black text. Red text designates where the absence was created and absences can only be deleted where they were originally created. It is recommended to always add absences in the Schedule view, except in the situation where an employee requires an absence after the employee's shift has started.
Click Schedule, then click the Schedules in the main menu. Select the unwanted absence and click Delete in the button bar.
This is due to "Transfer punch" being "enabled" allowing the employee to switch between branches etc. without having to punch out and then in again.
See Punching In/Out.
Click on the drop-down arrow at the far right side of the header bar to open the Employee Profile Menu, then click Preferences. Click Edit in the button bar. Choose a different day of the week in the Calendar Starts On field and Save.
For Administrator:
Click Employee, then click Preferences in the main menu. Select employee(s), Click Edit from the button bar or for more than one employee, Mass Edit. Choose a different day of the week from the drop-down Calendar Starts On field and Save.
See Preferences.
TimeSheet Verification must be Enabled (not disabled). Click Payroll, then click Pay Period Schedules in the main menu, select a pay period schedule, go to the Advanced tab and change the TimeSheet Verification field.
OR if the current TimeSheet Verification Window has expired. Click Payroll, then click Pay Period Schedules in the main menu, select a pay period schedule, go to the Advanced tab and change the Verification Window Ends field.
See Pay Period Schedules.
- A policy isn't set up or applied correctly.
- The timesheet needs to be recalculated due to a retroactive change, i.e. changing a wage or policy retroactively.
- Missing punches or critical severity exceptions.
- Time was entered or overridden as Accumulated Time which may prevent policies from calculating as expected on that day. Accumulated Time appears in red on the timesheet.