
MAIN MENU >   Employee > Preferences

Employees, Supervisors and Administrators can configure a number of settings, such as date and time format, notifications and schedule synchronization with external calendars or mobile devices. Employees can set their own Preferences through the Employee Profile Menu > Preferences.

NOTE:  Preferences only affect a specific employee and how that employee views data. These settings do not affect any other employee.


Preference Tab
Employee (read-only)
Language preferred language (English, French, German, etc.).
Date Format Preferred date format (dd/mm/yy, mm/dd/yy, etc.).
Time Format Preferred time format (8:09PM, 20:09GMT, etc.).
Time Units Preferred time units (hh:mm, hh:mm:ss, etc.).

Its important to understand the differences between these formats. The two primary formats are Hours (2.25) (time in decimal hour format) and hh:mm (2:15) (time in hours and minutes separated by a colon, similar to a digital clock). When using Hours (2.25), its easy to add the times together using a calculator, but its difficult to input time to the nearest minute, as 5 minutes would equal 0.083333333 (repeated to infinity). However using the hh:mm (2:15) format its easy to enter time to the nearest minute as 5 minutes would be 00:05, but this format cannot be easily added on a calculator, since its a colon separating the hours and minutes not a decimal. Therefore if you want to manually add 1:59 + 3:01, you cannot enter 1.59 + 3.01 (notice the difference between the colon : and .) into your calculator as that would equal 4.6, but in reality its 1 hour and 59 minutes + 3 hours and 1 minute for a total of 5 hours. The reason for this is of course that there are 60 minutes in an hour and when entered into your calculator it would take 100 minutes to equal an hour.

Time Units Chart (Minutes ÷ 60 seconds = Decimal)
Minutes DecimalMinutes DecimalMinutes DecimalMinutes Decimal
 1 = 0.0216 = 0.27 31 = 0.5246 = 0.77
 2 = 0.0317 = 0.28 32 = 0.5347 = 0.78
 3 = 0.0518 = 0.30 33 = 0.5548 = 0.80
 4 = 0.0719 = 0.32 34 = 0.5749 = 0.82
 5 = 0.0820 = 0.33 35 = 0.5850 = 0.83
 6 = 0.1021 = 0.35 36 = 0.6051 = 0.85
 7 = 0.1222 = 0.37 37 = 0.6252 = 0.87
 8 = 0.1323 = 0.38 38 = 0.6353 = 0.88
 9 = 0.1524 = 0.40 39 = 0.6554 = 0.90
 10 = 0.1725 = 0.42 40 = 0.6755 = 0.92
 11 = 0.1826 = 0.43 41 = 0.6856 = 0.93
 12 = 0.2027 = 0.45 42 = 0.7057 = 0.95
 13 = 0.2228 = 0.47 43 = 0.7258 = 0.97
 14 = 0.2329 = 0.48 44 = 0.7359 = 0.98
 15 = 0.2530 = 0.50 45 = 0.7560 = 1.00

You can switch back and forth between time unit formats in your preferences at anytime since it only changes how time is displayed or input, it does not affect how the data is stored behind the scenes whatsoever.

Distance Units Preferred distance units (kilometers, miles or meters)
Time Zone Preferred time zone for displaying time. The Auto-Detect button automatically detects the timezone of the employee who is currently signed in.
Calendar Starts on Preferred view for which day of the week the calendar starts on.
Rows per page Number of rows to display on a page.
Default Screen The first screen that appears after an employee logs in.
Save Timesheet State Check the box to return to the employees timesheet that was viewed last.

Notifications Tab
Notification Status Select to enable notifications.
DisabledNo notifications will be sent.
Enabled The specified notifications will be sent.
Display Notifications For The number of seconds the notification will display in the web browser. Use 0 for infinite.
Enabled If the enabled box is checked, the specific notification may be sent and if the box is left blank it will never be sent.
Type The types of notifications available for example, punch reminders, exceptions, requests, pay stub, process payroll and remittance agency events will depend on the permissions set for the employee.
Priority The way the notification appears and sounds. The different priorities on mobile devices is mainly for Android devices that support notification "channels". So the employee has full control over how each priority is handled on their specific devices.
CriticalUse only when you have to get the employee's attention such as if they forgot to punch. If a critical notification does not get attention it could typically cause a critical exception.

Web browser: The notification appears on the screen flashing red and plays a sound continuously until it is acknowledged.

Mobile App: The notification will pop-up and plays a sound and/or vibrates for 30 seconds, or as otherwise configured on the device.

HighWeb browser: The notification appears on the screen flashing red and plays a sound once.

Mobile App: The notification will pop-up and plays a sound once, or as otherwise configured on the device.

NormalWeb browser: The notification appears on the screen and plays a sound once.

Mobile App: The notification will pop-up and plays a sound once, or as otherwise configured on the device.

Low Web browser: The notification appears on the screen, no sound will play.

Mobile App: The notification will pop-up and plays a sound once, or as otherwise configured on the device.

Browser Enables the selected type of notification to pop-up when the employee is signed in to TimeTrex through a browser or through their operating system notification center if they are not signed in.
Work / Home Email Enables the selected type of notification to be sent to the employee's work and/or home email addresses.
Mobile App Enables the selected type of notification to be sent to the employee's TimeTrex mobile app.
Settings Delays when a specific reminder notification is to be sent. Use a negative value to be notified before the expected scheduled time / date.

Example: If you want an employee to be reminded to punch in 5 minutes before the start of their shift, you would set the Punch Reminder - Start Shift, Settings Delay to -00:05.

If you want the reminder sent 15 minutes after they start their shift you would set the Punch Reminder - Start Shift, Settings, Delay to 00:15. In this case the reminder will only be sent if the employee has not already started their shift.

TIP:  Notifications can be viewed by clicking on the bell icon or accessing the Employee Profile Menu drop-down on the right side of the header bar. The small number beside the bell icon indicates the number of unread notifications.


Schedule Synchronization Tab
Status Select the status of the Schedule Synchronization from the drop-down box to allow syncing with the employee's preferred calendar, such as Microsoft Calendar, Google Calendar, or a smart phone.
DisabledThe Schedule Synchronization is inactive and it should not be allowed to sync with any calendar or device.
Enabled (Authenticated)The Schedule Synchronization is active but requires that the calendar application support user name/password authentication.
Enabled (UnAuthenticated)This option is used for Schedule Synchronization when the calendar application does not support user name/password authentication and so the Calendar URL can be used instead.
Calendar URL Use this link to subscribe to your schedule in your favorite calendar app (e.g. Google Calendar, Outlook).
Alarm 1 Enter the time for the first calendar notification (or reminder) before the employee's scheduled start time.

For example, if this field is set with 1:00 before the scheduled start time, Microsoft Calendar displays a reminder that the shift will start in 1 hour. If the alarm is set for a smart phone, the phone will ring 1 hour before the shift starts. (See Advanced Options Pay Period Schedules for more information.)

Alarm 2 Enter the time for the second calendar notification (or reminder) before the employee's scheduled start time.

For example, if this field is set with 00:30 before the scheduled start time, Microsoft Calendar displays a reminder that the shift will start in 30 minutes. If the alarm is set for a smart phone, the phone will ring 30 minutes before the shift starts.

Alarm 1 Enter a time for the first notification (or reminder) for a scheduled shift absence. Shifts Scheduled Absent are shifts where the employee may be scheduled off on a day they would normally be working, either on vacation or sick time. This alert reminds the employee *not* to come in to work that day.

For example, if an employee is scheduled for a vacation day and this alarm is set for 04:00, the Microsoft calendar displays a reminder that vacation starts in 4 hours. This allows time to complete the work that cannot wait until the return from vacation.

Alarm 2 Enter a time for the second notification (or reminder) for a scheduled shift absence. Shifts Scheduled Absent are shifts where the employee may be scheduled off on a day they would normally be working, either on vacation or sick time. This alert reminds the employee *not* to come in to work that day.

For example, if an employee is scheduled for a vacation day and this alarm is set for 01:00, the Microsoft calendar displays a reminder that vacation starts in 1 hour. The employee could then inform the supervisor of unfinished work that can wait until the return from vacation.

Alarm 1 Enter the time for the first calendar notification (or reminder) before the start time for the modified shift the employee has been scheduled to work.

For example, if the supervisor modifies the employee's schedule and this field is set with 1:00, Microsoft Calendar displays a reminder that the modified shift will start in 1 hour. If the alarm is set for a smart phone, the phone will ring 1 hour before the modified shift.

Alarm 2 Enter the time for the second calendar notification (or reminder) before the start time for the modified shift the employee has been scheduled to work.

For example, if the supervisor modifies the employee's schedule and this field is set with 00:15, Microsoft Calendar displays a reminder that the modified shift will start in 15 minutes. If the alarm is set for a smart phone, the phone will ring 15 minutes before the modified shift.