Permission Groups

MAIN MENU >   Company > Permission Groups

Permission groups allow employers to grant or restrict access to TimeTrex features for the employees assigned to that group. You can restrict access to documents so employees can read them, but not edit them. You can grant edit access to supervisors only.

NOTE:   When creating a permission group, you specify a Level for that group. Level is extremely important for security because any employee having access to modify a permission group can only change their permission group to another group with a lower level than their own.

For example, a supervisor having a permission group of Level 10 can assign their subordinates to any Level of 10 or lower, but not assign anyone or themselves to a higher level group. Permission levels should start at Level 1 for the lowest access (Terminated Employee) and go to Level 100 for the highest access (Administrator).

TimeTrex has a granular permissions system with hundreds of different permissions that interface with each another. The following are the standard permission groups that are useful for most companies.

  • Terminated Employee: Used only for viewing historical data, such as government documents(T4/W2) and pay stubs after the employee has been terminated.
  • Regular Employee (Punch In/Out): Punch in/out and view their own timesheets, schedules, accrual balances, government documents and pay stubs.
  • Regular Employee (Manual Punch): Manually enter punch times and view their own timesheets, schedules, accrual balances, government documents and pay stubs.
  • Regular Employee (Manual TimeSheet) : Manually enter total time worked per day and view their own timesheets, schedules, accrual balances, government documents and pay stubs.
  • Supervisor (Subordinates Only): View and edit the timesheets, punches, schedules, and requests of their subordinates, based on the established hierarchy.
  • Supervisor (All Employees): Identical to the previous supervisor group, except that it can view and edit the timesheets, punches, schedules, and requests of all employees.
  • HR Manager: View and edit qualifications and recruitment information for job applicants. They are restricted from changing policies.
  • Payroll Administrator: View and edit all timesheets, punches, etc., for all employees. They are restricted from changing policies.
  • Administrator: Full rights to everything.

You should not modify the permissions unless you are speaking with a support representative. If you make only small adjustments, verify the results to ensure that your changes did not adversely affect your overall system configuration.

NOTE:  You can assign an employee to only one permission group at a time.

See the Basic Operation section for details on viewing, adding, editing and deleting.

To add a Permission Group, do the following:

  • Click Company, then click Permission Groups in the main menu.
  • Click New in the button bar.
  • Complete the fields on the inset page.
  • In the Employee drop-down, choose the employees that belong to this permission group.
  • Move the names of the employees into the Selected Items column.
  • Click Save in the button bar to save your changes, or click Cancel to discard the changes.
Permission Group Tab
Name Enter a name for the permission group.
Description Enter a description.
Level Select a level.
Employees Select the employees that belong to this permission group. Move the names of the employees into the Selected Items column.
Permissions Select the permissions to assign to the group.

WARNING:   Use extreme caution when editing your own group so you don't remove the permissions you need to administer TimeTrex.


Permission Actions

Permission to add for all employees.

View Permission to view for all employees.
View Own Permission to view only your own.
View Subordinate Permission to view for all subordinates, as set up in the Hierarchy.
Edit Permission to edit for all employees.
Edit Own

Permission to edit only your own.

Edit Subordinate Permission to edit for all subordinates, as set up in the Hierarchy.
Delete Permission to delete for all employees.
Delete Own Permission to delete only your own.
Delete Subordinate

Permission to delete for all subordinates, as set up in the Hierarchy.