General Ledger Export

MAIN MENU >   Report > Payroll Reports > General Ledger Summary

To ensure that the general ledger data will import correctly, the pay stub accounts must first be mapped to the existing ledger accounts in the accounting software. See General Ledger Mapping.

TimeTrex currently supports the export of the General Ledger report to multiple formats including Excel, Quickbooks, Sage 50 and Sage 300.

The general ledger export can be customized by using various templates; the most common being, by employee, branch, department or pay period.

To create a General Ledger Export file:

  • Click Report, Payroll Reports, then General Ledger Summary in the main menu.
  • Select the type of Template, Time Period, Section and Pay Period Schedule to export.
  • Click View in the button bar to review the report prior to exporting.
  • Click the Export button drop-down on the right side of the button bar and select the format that matches your accounting software.


Importing into an Accounting Software

Each accounting software differs in how to import the general ledger data. We recommend you refer to importing instructions for the particular software being used.

The following is an example of how to import into Quickbooks:

  • Select File, Utilities, Import, IIF
  • Select the .iif file previously exported from TimeTrex and click the Open button to import the data.
  • Check to make sure the data has been imported correctly by viewing a report. One method might be to:
    • Click Reports, Accountant & Taxes, Transaction Detail by Account.
    • Select the Date the data was imported, Total by Account List, Sort by Default.