
MAIN MENU >   Employee > Employees

There are many elements of information for each employee's profile or employee record. Some elements are dynamic fields that are driven by other features within TimeTrex.

To add a new employee, do the following:

  • Click Employee, then click Employees in the main menu.
  • Click New in the button bar.
  • An inset page will appear that contains several tabs such as: Employee, Contact Info, Hierarchy and Qualifications. Complete the fields in each tab.
  • Click Save to save your changes, or click Cancel to discard the changes.

For more information on adding or hiring an employee, see Employee Hiring Process.

See the Basic Operation section for details on viewing, adding and editing.


Employee Tab
Legal Entity Select the legal entity the employee is employed with.
Status Select a status for the employee from the drop-down box.
ActiveThe employee is active, the typical setting for a new employee.
Inactive - TemporaryThe employee is temporarily inactive for administrative purposes, but is still employed.
Leave - Illness/InjuryThe employee is on leave due to illness or injury.
Leave - Maternity/PaternityThe employee is on maternity or paternity leave.
Leave - OtherEmployee is on leave for another reason.
Terminated / QuitThe employee is no longer employed by the company, they either quit or were terminated.
First Name Enter the employee's first name.
Last Name Enter the employee's last name.
Employee Number Enter the employee number.
Permission Group Select the permission group for the employee.
Pay Period Schedule Select the pay period schedule for the employee.
Policy Group Select the policy group for the employee.
Recurring Schedule Assign employee to initial recurring schedule starting on their hire date. Only available when adding a new employee.
Title Enter the employee's title.
Currency Select the currency to pay the employee.
Default Branch Select the employee's default branch to be used for filtering reports and new records such as schedules.
Default Department Select the employee's default department to be used for filtering reports and new records such as schedules.
Default Job Select the employee's default job to be used for filtering reports and new records such as schedules.
Default Task Select the employee's task to be used for filtering reports and new records such as schedules.
Group Select the employee's group.
Ethnicity Select the ethnicity of the employee.
SIN/SSN Enter the employee's Social ID Number or Social Security Number.
Birth Date Select the employee's birth date from the calendar.
Hire Date Select the hire date from the calendar.
Termination Date Select the date when the employee leaves the company.
Tags Enter any Tag that might help identify this employee and facilitate a future search.


Contact Info Tab
Photo If available, upload an employee's picture.
First Name Enter the first name of the employee.
Middle Name Enter the middle name of the employee.
Last Name Enter the last name of the employee.
Home Address (Line 1) Enter the employee's address.
Home Address (Line 2) Optional; enter second line of employee's address.
City Enter the city.
Country Select the country.
Province/State Select the province or state.
Postal/Zip Code Enter the postal or zip code.
Gender Select the gender of the employee from the drop-down box.
UnspecifiedSelect if the employee's sex is not available.
MaleSelect if the employee is a man.
FemaleSelect if the employee is a woman.
Work Phone Enter the work telephone number.
Work Phone Ext Enter the work telephone number extension.
Home Phone Enter the home telephone number.
Mobile Phone Enter the mobile telephone number.
Fax Enter the fax telephone number.
Work Email Enter the work email address.
Home Email Enter the home email address.
Note Use this field to enter any relevant notes about the employee.


Hierarchy Tab

Typically this tab indicates the relationship between employees as subordinates to their supervisors. See the Hierarchy section for more information.


Sign In Tab
Sign In Enabled Enables or disables whether the employee can sign into TimeTrex.
Multifactor Authentication Displays if the employee has Disabled or Enabled Multifactor Authentication.
User Name Enter a user name (not case sensitive). User names must be at least 3 characters, be unique across all employees in the system, and only be alphanumeric or contain "@", ".", "-", "_" or "+" (without quotes).
Change Password Enter a password (case sensitive). This password must be at least 6 digits/characters and must not contain any part of the name, or personal identification information such as first/last name, address, etc.

Passwords must also meet a minimum "strength" requirement, which essentially requires passwords to contain a sufficient number of unique digits/characters/special characters.

For example: "1111111111" will not be a valid password, nor would "123456", but "boat-735" would be.

Confirm Password Re-enter the password.

Quick Punch ID(Optional)

This is the employee's Quick Punch ID which is only used by employees to punch In/Out using a web browser or kiosk device quick punch method. The ID must be between four and eight digits and unique across all employees, including employees from other customers in the case of our cloud hosted deployments.
Quick Punch Password Enter the employee's numeric Quick Punch password with a minimum of four digits and maximum eight digits.
Sign In Expire Date Enter a date when the Sign In will automatically be disabled.
Terminated Permission Group The permission group used when employees with a status of anything other than 'Active' sign in.



Contacts Tab

Add Employee contacts such as a relative or someone to contact in case of an emergency.


Qualifications Tab

To add Qualifications for this employee, click the Qualifications tab and click New in the button bar. Then complete the fields and click Save. The new qualification will appear in the listing on the Qualifications tab. Refer to the section on Qualifications for more information.


Reviews Tab

To add a Review for this employee, click the Reviews tab and click New in the button bar. Enter the information and click Save. The new review will appear in the listing on the Reviews tab. Refer to the section on Reviews for more information.


Attachment Tab

To add an attachment (such as a contract or tax form) to the employee's record, click the Attachment tab and click New in the button bar. Enter the information about the document in the tab. The fields are the same as those in the Documents tab. See the section on Document Management for more information.