Punching In/Out

MAIN MENU >   Attendance > Timesheet

It is important to understand that TimeTrex requires punches be recorded in pairs to capture a period of worked time for accurately paying an employee. IN punches represent time an employee is working or on the clock (receiving pay), and OUT punches represent time an employee is not working or off the clock (not receiving pay). For every IN punch there must be a corresponding OUT punch, otherwise an exception is triggered.

For example, the first punch of each shift would be an IN punch. When an employee leaves work for a lunch break, they would punch OUT for lunch (the employees can think of this as “going to lunch”). Then when the employee returns, they punch IN from lunch. Finally, when the employee has finished their shift, they punch OUT.

Below is a simplified example of what the punches may look like on the employee's timesheet:


Type Status Time
Normal In 8:00AM
Lunch Out 12:00PM
Lunch In 1:00PM
Normal Out 5:00PM


To punch in or out in the TimeTrex web interface, do the following:

  • Click the Clock icon, in the header bar.
  • An inset page will appear where you can edit information for the punch event.
    NOTE:  In most cases the default values will suffice, however you should always confirm the information is correct and if not, make the necessary changes.
  • The Time and Date correspond directly to the present system time; so it is not editable.
  • Check the box if this is a Transfer punch.
  • Choose the Punch Type: Normal, Lunch, or Break.
  • Choose whether this punch is IN or OUT.
  • Optionally, choose the Branch and Department.
  • Optionally, choose a Job, Task or Tags.
  • If applicable, specify the values for Good and Bad Quantity.
  • Optionally, enter any comments in the Note box about this particular punch.
  • After entering the information, click Save in the button bar to save your changes, or click Cancel to discard..

Punch Tab
Time Punch time (read-only)
Date Punch date (read-only)
Transfer Enables transfer punch functionality, allowing the employee to switch between a branch, department, job, or task in a single operation without having to punch out first, then punch back in again. This also prevents any gaps or lost time between punches.
Punch Type Type of punch: Normal, Lunch or Break. By default Lunch/Break punches are not paid. However, with a Meal Policy or Break Policy, they can be partially or fully paid.
In/Out Status of punch: either IN or OUT.
Branch Branch that the punch time will be recorded against.
Department Department that the punch time will be recorded against.
Job Job that the punch time will be recorded against.
Task Task that the punch time will be recorded against.
Quantity Good/Bad quantity: Good quantity can be used for items produced or items inspected that meet a standard. Bad quantity is for items that did not meet a standard or items that were not produced.
Note Optional comments or Punch Notes that can go on the employee's timesheet and are viewable by their supervisor.
Split Existing Punches Check this box to insert the punch time between two paired punches.