Percent | Enter a simple percentage, such as 1.00% or 5.00%. |
Advanced Percent | This is an advanced calculation with two additional criteria: Annual Wage Base/Maximum Earnings and Annual Deduction Amount.ADVANCED PERCENT | DESCRIPTION |
Percent | Enter a simple percentage. | Annual Wage Base/Maximum Earnings | This is the maximum annual limit to which the percentage will apply. For example, setting this value to $40,000 will cause this calculation to disable after the employee has earned this amount during the year. | Annual Deduction Amount | This is the annual amount that deducts from the calculation. For example, if you set this value to $5,000, this calculation will not apply to the first $5,000 of the employee’s earnings. |
Advanced Percent (w/Target) | This is a advanced calculation with two additional criteria: Target Amount Limit and Target YTD Limit/Balance. The calculation applies up to the Target Amount Limit on a single pay stub and the Target year to date (YTD) Limit of the Pay Stub Account. For example, you could use this formula to calculate a 401K contribution of 10% of the employee's wages to a limit of $300 per pay stub and an annual contribution limit of $18,000. ADVANCED PERCENT (W/TARGET) | DESCRIPTION |
Percent | Enter a simple percentage of the Include and Exclude Pay Stub Accounts. | Target Amount Limit | This is the amount limit on a single pay stub for the selected pay stub account . | Target YTD Limit/Balance | This is the year to date (YTD) target limit or balance amount for the selected pay stub account. |
Advanced Percent (Range Bracket) | This advanced percentage calculation requires four additional criteria: Annual Deduction Amount, Annual Amount Greater Than, Annual Amount Less Than, and Annual Fixed Amount. The calculation only applies when the annual amount is higher than the value given in Annual Amount Greater Than and lower than the Annual Amount Less Than value. You may employ multiple Advanced Percent (Range Bracket) deductions together to calculate amounts for one or more brackets.ADVANCED PERCENT (RANGE BRACKET) | DESCRIPTION |
Percent | Enter a simple percentage. | Annual Deduction Amount | Enter the amount of the deduction. | Annual Amount Greater Than | Enter the lowest amount for the range. | Annual Amount Less Than | Enter the highest amount for the range. | Annual Fixed Amount | Enter a fixed amount for this deduction. |
For example: Greater Than | Less Than | Percent | $5,000 | $10,000 | 1% | $10,000 | $20,000 | 2% | $20,000 | $30,000 | 3% |
Advanced Percent (Tax Bracket) | This is another advanced percentage calculation similar to the Advanced Percent (Range Bracket) calculation. The difference is that this calculation is done when the value for Deduction Amount exceeds the value for Annual Exempt Amount. You can use multiple Advanced Percent (Tax Bracket) deductions to act as a complete tax formula. This calculation causes TimeTrex to forgo calculation if the estimate is that the employee will earn less than $1,000 for the entire year. If the employee actually earns more, then a calculation of 8% will apply against any amounts between $1,000-9,999, 8.5% on any amounts between $10,000-19,999, and 9.0% on any amounts over $20,000.ADVANCED PERCENT (TAX BRACKET) | DESCRIPTION |
Percent | Enter a simple percentage. | Annual Wage Base/Maximum Earnings | Enter the base wage or maximum annual earnings. | Annual Deduction Amount | Enter the deduction amount. | Annual Exempt Amount | Enter the amount that is exempt. |
For example: Name | Exempt Amount | Wage Base Amount | Percent | Bracket 1 | $1,000 | $9,999 | 8.0% | Bracket 2 | $10,000 | $19,999 | 8.5% | Bracket 3 | $20,000 | $0 | 9.0% |
Advanced Percent (Tax Bracket Alt.) | This is another advanced tax bracket calculation. The calculation only applies when the annual amount is less than the Annual Deduction Amount, higher than the Annual Amount Greater Than value, and lower then the Annual Amount Less Than value. After the calculation, the value for Annual Fixed Amount is added to the end result. This calculation is different from the Advanced Percent (Tax Bracket) because only a single bracket in a group may apply to an employee. Each individual bracket is designed to be the entire tax formula and function on its own. The final result is the same as an Advanced Percent (Tax Bracket), but it is just a different way to get there.ADVANCED PERCENT (TAX BRACKET ALT.) | DESCRIPTION |
Percent | Enter a simple percentage. | Annual Deduction Amount | Enter the amount of the annual deduction. | Annual Amount Greater Than | Enter the lowest amount for the range. | Annual Amount Less Than | Enter the highest amount for the range. | Annual Fixed Amount | Enter the annual fixed amount. |
For example: Name | Greater Than | Less Than | Percent | Fixed Amount | Bracket 1 | $0 | $10,000 | 5.0% | $0 | Bracket 2 | $10,001 | $20,000 | 10.0% | $500 | Bracket 3 | $20,001 | $999,999 | 15.0% | $1500 |
In this example, TimeTrex will calculate 5% if the employee earned between $0 and $10,000. If the employee earns more than this, there will be no calculation for the first bracket and TimeTrex moves on to the next bracket. If the employee earns between $10,001 and $20,000, then 10% would be calculated on the amount earned between 10,000 and $20,000 with the Fixed Amount being added at the end. Only a single bracket is ever applied because the fixed amount is always the total tax amount that would be calculated from all previous brackets. |
Fixed Amount | Enter an amount that is fixed. |
Fixed Amount (Range Bracket) | This fixed-amount calculation has multiple criteria: Amount, Annual Deduction Amount, Annual Amount Greater Than, and Annual Amount Less Than. The fixed amount only applies when the Amount minus the Annual Deduction Amount is higher than the value of Annual Amount Greater Than and lower than the Annual Amount Less Than value.FIXED AMOUNT (RANGE BRACKET) | DESCRIPTION |
Amount | Enter a fixed amount. | Annual Deduction Amount | Enter the annual fixed amount. | Annual Amount Greater Than | Enter the lowest amount for the range. | Annual Amount Less Than | Enter the highest amount for the range. |
Fixed Amount (w/Target) | This fixed-amount calculation only applies when the amount of the Included/Excluded Pay Stub Accounts is less than the amount of the Target YTD Limit/Balance. When specifying Include or Exclude Pay Stub Accounts, the Pay Stub Account Value should be set to 'YTD Amount'. This calculation is useful for automatic processing of loans. For example, you can deduct $100 from an employee's pay stub until the Loan Accrual value reaches $0. Another example would be for uniform reimbursements where you reimburse each employee $10 on each pay stub until they have been paid a total of $100. FIXED AMOUNT (W/TARGET) | DESCRIPTION |
Amount | Enter a fixed amount. | Target YTD Limit/Balance | Enter the year to date target limit or balance amount. |
Custom Formula | You can customize a calculation formula if the none of the other pre-defined calculations fit your requirements. |
US-Medicare Formula (Employee) | Use for the employee's Medicare deduction.FILING STATUS | DESCRIPTION |
Single or Head of Household | Employee is single or head of a household. | Married w/o Spouse | Employee is married and filing without spouse | Married w Spouse | Employee is married and filing with spouse. |
US-Medicare Formula(Employer) | Use for the employer's Medicare deduction. |
US-Social Security Formula(Employee) | Use for the employee's Social Security deduction. |
US-Social Security Formula(Employer) | Use for the employer's Social Security deduction. |
US-Federal Unemployment Insurance (Employer) | Use for employer's Federal Unemployment Insurance deduction. |
Canada-CPP Formula | Use to calculate CPP (Pension) in Canada. |
Canada-CPP2 Formula | Use to calculate additional CPP2 (Pension) in Canada. Effective January 1, 2024 |
Canada-EI Formula | Use to calculate EI (Employment Insurance) in Canada. |
Federal Income Tax Formula | This is a formula based on the specific country that you choose. Depending on the country, there may be additional fields (such as Marital Status or Allowances) that require input. The values set here are used as defaults. However, you can configure these fields separately for each employee. The settings such as filing status or claim amounts can be set separately for each employee by going to Wages.FEDERAL INCOME TAX FORMULA | DESCRIPTION |
Country | Select the country for the tax. |
Province/State Income Tax Formula | This is the formula based on the specific province or state that you choose. Depending on the choice of province or state there may be additional fields (such as filing status or allowances) that require input.PROVINCE/STATE INCOME TAX FORMULA | DESCRIPTION |
Country | Select the country for the tax. | Province/State | Select the province or state. |
US-State Unemployment Insurance (Employer) | Use for employer's State Unemployment Insurance deduction. |
Local (City/District/County) Income Tax Formula | This is a formula that depends on the specific city, district or county that you choose. Depending on the choice, there may be additional fields that require input.LOCAL (CITY/DISTRICT/COUNTY) INCOME TAX FORMULA | DESCRIPTION |
District/County Name | Enter the name as required by the tax authority. Where applicable, use the following format to specify codes and region types: [<CODE><REGION>] <NAME>
For example, for Ohio, it might be the following (without quotes):
"[023R] Aberdeen" when an employee resides in Aberdeen.
"[023C] Aberdeen" when an employee works in Aberdeen.
For Indiana, it might be:
"[92] White" when the employee resides in White County.
| District/County Rate | Enter the tax rate. |
Negative Net Pay Resolution | Triggered when an employee’s pay stub results in a negative net pay for the purposes of resolving such situations automatically. The Include/Exclude Pay Stub Accounts selection determines how the adjustment is calculated and applied to balance the net pay to $0. The adjustment is recorded in the specified Pay Stub Account.
Example 1: Single Adjustment
If the net pay is $-105.54, and the selected Pay Stub Account is "Earning - Loan", the system will add an additional entry to the pay stub:
Earning - Loan: $105.54
This adjustment balances the net pay to $0.00 and places the amount in a Loan account to be repaid at a later date.
Example 2: Multiple Adjustments
You can use multiple Negative Net Pay Tax/Deduction records to split the adjustment across different accounts.
Tax/Deduction Record 1:
Pay Stub Account: "Earning - Health Insurance Loan"
Include: "Employee Deduction - Health Insurance"
Tax/Deduction Record 2:
Pay Stub Account: "Earning - Loan"
Include: "Total Gross"
If the net pay is $-150.15, and the employee has a health insurance deduction of $100.00, the system will create two adjustments:
Earning - Health Insurance Loan: $100.00
Earning - Loan: $50.15
These adjustments collectively bring the net pay to $0.00 and places the amounts in separate Loan accounts to be repaid at a later date.
Example 3: Single Adjustment to Reverse Out Deduction You can also use this to reverse out a deduction completely, essentially disabling it. Pay Stub Account: "Employee Deduction - Health Insurance" Include: "Employee Deduction - Health Insurance"
This adjustment will bring the net pay to $0.00 and reverses out the "Health Insurance" deduction completely. |