
MAIN MENU >   Payroll > Expenses

Entering an Expense

A business expense, paid by an employee can be added, for the purpose of record keeping, authorizing and/or reimbursement.


Business expenses are usually added directly by the employee as part of the self-service functionality of TimeTrex by the following steps:

  • Click on the drop-down arrow at the far right side of the header bar to open the Employee Profile Menu, then click Expenses.
  • Click New in the button bar.

See the Basic Operation section for details on viewing, adding, editing and deleting.


Expense Tab
Date Incurred Select the date from the calendar that the expense was incurred.
Description Enter a full description of the expense.
Payment Method Select a payment method for the expense from the drop-down box.
CashExpense was paid by cash.
Debit CardExpense was paid by debit card.
Credit card - PersonalExpense was paid by your personal credit card.
Credit Card - CompanyExpense was paid by a company credit card.
CheckExpense was paid by check.
Cashier Check/Money OrderExpense was paid by cashier check or money order.
OtherExpense was paid for by any other method than the options available.
Type Select the type of business expense from the drop-down box.
Amount Enter the total amount of the expense.
Reimburse Click the check box if you choose to submit this expense for reimbursement.
Currency Select the currency from the drop-down box.
Branch Select the branch from the drop-down box.
Department Select the department from the drop-down box.
Job Enter in the job code or select it from the drop-down box.
Task Enter in the task code or select it from the drop-down box.
Choose file (attachment) If submitting an electronic receipt, click on the Chose File box and locate and select the appropriate receipt file to attach it to the expense record.