
MAIN MENU >   Schedule > Schedules

To view employee Schedules:

  • Click Schedule, then click Schedules in the main menu.
  • Just above the schedule listing, click the calendar icon and choose the Date that you want to display.
  • Click the Day, Week, Month, or Year buttons to change the listing display.

  • Click on the settings button and then the appropriate check boxes to enable or disable Daily Totals, Weekly Totals, Show Unscheduled Employees or Strict Range.

    Daily Totals Show daily totals for shifts worked, absences, hours worked and wages.
    Weekly Totals Show weekly totals for shifts worked, absences, hours worked and wages.
    Show Unscheduled Employees Show all employees that are not scheduled to work in the currently displayed time period.
    Strict Range Always show the entire week, based on the employee preferences "Start Week On" setting. For example, if weeks start on Sun, and you navigate to a Wed, it will show Sun -> Sat with Wed selected in the middle. If "Strict Range" is disabled, the calendar will always start on the day you selected and will show 7 days in the future.


  • Click on any cell in the table to see available options on the button bar that can be performed on the employee's schedule.

See the Basic Operation section for details on viewing, adding, editing and deleting.


Schedules Tab
Employee Select one or more employee names and move them to the right column to assign them to the scheduled shift.
Status Select the status of the scheduled shift.
WorkingSelect this value if the employee will be scheduled to work this shift.
AbsentSelect this value if employee will be scheduled absent (not working) for this shift.
Absence PolicyWhen the shift status is Absent, this field will be displayed below allowing you to select an Absence Policy from the drop-down box.
Date Choose a date from the calendar. Use the plus Add.png and minus Minus.png buttons to add/remove multiple days, or use the Range tab for selecting a date range.
In Enter the shift's start time.
Out Enter the shift's end time.
Total This field is automatically calculated from the IN and OUT times.
Schedule Policy Choose a Schedule Policy.
Branch Select the branch from the drop-down box.
Department Select the department from the drop-down box.
Job Enter a job code or select the job from the drop-down box.
Task Enter a task code or select the task from the drop-down box.
Tags Enter a punch tag code or select the task from the drop-down box.
Note Use this field for an optional note.
Notify Employee Check the box if you wish to send a notification to the employee affected by the schedule change.
NOTE:  TimeTrex automatically commits shifts just before the shift occurs. If a shift from a recurring shift schedule is edited it becomes a committed shift. To differentiate, recurring shifts are displayed in gray text and committed shifts appear in black text.


Editing Scheduled Shifts

Scenario: An employee normally works a recurring afternoon shift but is going to fill in for a morning shift on a particular day. (Refer to the image below.)

A. If the new morning shift time overlaps with the recurring afternoon shift: e.g. 6:30AM-2:30PM & 2:00PM-11:00PM. (Refer to the image below.)

  • Edit the shift times and other relevant fields for the recurring shift.

NOTE:  A recurring schedule will be overridden and therefore disappear if you commit a shift that overlaps any part of the recurring schedule. If you delete the committed shift the recurring scheduled shift will reappear.


B. If there is no overlap in time between the two shifts: e.g. 6:00AM-2:00PM, 2:00PM-11:00 PM

  • Select the employee's recurring scheduled shift for the day you want to modify.

  • Add a New schedule for the morning shift. The new shift is a committed shift and will appear in black text. (Refer to the image below).

  • The new shift and the recurring shift will both appear now, so to remove the recurring shift, select it and click the Delete button.

  • Or to choose a specific absence policy, Edit the recurring shift by setting the Status to Absent and selecting an Absence Policy. If an Absence Policy is selected, such as 'Shift Swap' it will be displayed on the schedule, otherwise 'N/A' in red text will be displayed. (Refer to the image below).

Editing the Schedule Policy for a Shift

Scenario: If an employee is scheduled for a lunch break, but does not take one on that day.

  • Select the employee's scheduled shift you want to modify.
  • Edit the scheduled shift by changing the Schedule Policy to None. This will turn off an auto-deduct lunch policy for that day only.



To automatically punch in/out based on an employee's schedule, follow these steps:

  • Select one or more scheduled shifts.

  • Click the more button .

  • Choose Auto-Punch.

TimeTrex will then handle the punching in/out for the selected employees according to their schedule.

TIP:  To enable automatic punching on a regular basis, check the Auto-Punch box in a Recurring Schedule.


Find Available

To see employees who are available to cover a shift:

  • Select a specific shift.

  • Click Find Available in the button bar to display a list of employees available.

  • A list of employees who are free to fill the available shift will appear. You can filter, search and sort this list by different fields such as hire date, number of hours scheduled this week or last week.