Version: 16.13.5 - Released: 07-Feb-2025
- Security:
- This release includes critical security fixes. We strongly recommend all On-Site installations upgrade immediately. Cloud-hosted installations have already been upgraded.
- Taxes:
- Updated withholding tax formula for Maryland and New Mexico Unemployment Insurance wage base.

[FIX] US Form 940, Schedule A, will now only show wages for states with credit reduction rates greater than zero.
[FIX] US Form W2-C will now always include State and Zip Code values for the employee.
[FIX] Canada Form T4, will now automatically set Dental Benefit Code to 1 when an employee is terminated in the tax year.
[FIX] Canada Form T4 and T4A, add support for Box 74 & 75 (Proprietor / Principal Owners).
[FIX] Improve eFiling of some special state taxes, such as Oregon's State Transit Tax.
[FIX] Improve SAML logout functionality.
[FIX] Some email notifications may not be sent to employees with just a home email address and no work email address specified.