Version: 16.8.0 - Released: 22-Sep-2023
- TimeSheets:
- Manual TimeSheets now allow adding notes to each day.
- Pay Stub Amendments:
- Pay Stub Amendments can be assigned to cost centers (Branch, Department, Job, Task), which when specified will flow through to the General Ledger cost centers, rather than being percent distributed.
- Reports:

[FIX] When Pay Period Schedules are set to 'Split Shifts at Midnight', scheduled shifts will be automatically split at midnight in addition to worked shifts.
[FIX] Add permission for controlling the 'Disable Rounding' checkbox when adding/editing punches.
[FIX] Accrual Balance Summary report now includes all job/task custom fields.
[FIX] Report 'Sort' dropdown box would be blank on some saved reports.