Version: 16.4.0 - Released: 03-Mar-2023
- Pay Stubs:
- Accrual balances now show accrued/reduced time in the pay period, and year-to-date for better government compliance.
- TimeSheet Verifications:
- Authentication:
- Mobile App:
- Mobile App v5.2.0 or newer can now view Pay Stubs and Government Documents (ie: W2, T4, etc...). Employees can perform most actions from the Mobile App without having to sign in with a web-browser.
- On-Site installations:
- PHP version v8.2 is now supported and will be the recommended version by 01-Jul-2023. PHP v8.0 will be end-of-life and unsupported by 01-Dec-2023.

[FIX] TimeSheet calculations cause an error in rare circumstances when average hourly rates include absence time in their calculation.
[FIX] Censored SIN/SSN's now only show the last 4-digits for better government compliance.