Version: 16.2.1 - Released: 14-Dec-2022
IMPORTANT: Since v16.2.0, the State Income Tax Allowance values for AR, IA, MI, MT, SC, OH, may have been displayed incorrectly, while the correct values were still used for calculating taxes. However, if the allowance values were modified, those values would be discarded and reverted to the employee's original value. Therefore, you may need to audit employees' allowance amounts for any new hires or employees that had their allowance values modified for just these states since v16.2.0.

[FIX] When submitting an advanced request that splits an existing schedule shift at the same start time, it will no longer show a Conflicting Shift error message.
[FIX] TimeSheet Summary/Detail report, "Verified TimeSheet" column now displays more granular and actionable information, such as Pending Employee, Superior(s), Both.
[FIX] Improve importing of custom fields of special types such as date, time, and time units.
[FIX] Searching by a custom field of type "Single-select Dropdown" now works properly in all cases.
[FIX] When deleting a Saved Search & Layout, immediately refresh the list to show the default layout.
[FIX] Show full Reason Code label on printed ROEs.