Version: 16.2.0 - Released: 18-Nov-2022
- Employee Tax/Deduction settings can be imported from an Excel/CSV file.
Ethnic Groups:
- Custom Fields can be assigned to Ethnic Groups, which is helpful for Equal Employment Opportunity reporting.
On-Site installations:
- PHP v8.0 and PostgreSQL v11 or greater is now required for On-Site Installations. The recommended is PHP v8.1 and PostgreSQL v14.

[FIX] Importing data to custom field dropdown boxes now works correctly in all cases.
[FIX] Recurring Schedules of 24 hours in length that start and end at the same time as other shifts are no longer considered conflicting.
[FIX] Auto-Deduct meal policies that deduct at the exact daylight saving transition time of 1-2AM will now be handled correctly.