Version: 16.1.0 - Released: 12-Oct-2022
Exception Policy:
- OPEN Shift scheduling now works with Absence shifts. When an OPEN shift of type Absence is created, it can be filled by a similar Absence shift of the same start/end time and Absence Policy. This can be used to better handle On-Call shift coverage situations.
- Added Romanian translation.
- Supervisor Guide is now available to Supervisors from the help menu on the top right of the header bar.

- [FIX] Pay Period Schedule estimated number of pay periods mismatch notification now works correctly when pay periods are created months in advance.
- [FIX] Added more employee identification columns to Pay Stub Transaction reports, such as Employee #, SIN/SSN, etc...
- [FIX] Recruitment Portal, Applicant Licenses and HR -> Licenses now have the same validation criteria for the License Number field.
- [FIX] Performance optimizations for reporting, specifically around grouping/sub-totaling.
[FIX] Tax Summary (Generic) Report, added "Tax/Deduction Fixed Amount" column that will display each employees individual fixed amounts specified for Tax/Deductions of a Fixed Amount calculation type.
[FIX] General Ledger report properly handles Custom Fields when distributing by punch cost centers.
[FIX] Import Jobs now allows "Update" flag to be enabled for updating existing jobs or adding new jobs.