USA State Taxes




Description Amount Effective Date Website Deposit Method / Frequency / Threshold Forms
Wage Withholding 4.40% Unchanged from 2023

Colorado Department of Revenue- Withholding Payroll Tax

Register with Colorado Business Express

Quarterly EFT - $0-$6,999.99

Monthly EFT $7000 - $50000

Weekly EFT - Over $50,000 (Jun-Jul of Prior Year)

File & Pay at Revenue Online

Withholding Tax Forms and Tax Tables

Use Federal W-4 for both federal & state.

Supplemental Wage / Bonus Rate 4.40% Decreased from 4.55% in 2023


Notes: No reciprocal agreement between states.

If no taxes have been withheld during the filing period, a return reporting zero tax withheld must be filed.



Description Amount Effective Date Website Deposit Method / Frequency / Threshold Forms
Maximum Taxable Earnings $23,800 Increase from $20,400 in 2023

Colorado Department of Labor and Employment


Register MyUIEmployer & User Guide

Premiums & Wage Reports Due Quarterly, 1 month following quarter. Online, FTP or paper.

Min. $1500 wages in calendar quarter during prior or current calendar year or employed at least one person for any part of a day in 20 weeks during the prior or current calendar year. This does not have to be the same person for all weeks nor consecutive weeks.

Forms & Publications


Account Application and Liability Determination - UITL-100


Employee Deduction None  

Employer Tax Rate (includes support rate & solvency surcharge)

0.64 - 8.68% Decrease from 2023

New Employment Rate - Standard (includes support rate & solvency surcharge)

3.05% Increase from 2023
Voluntary Contribution Permitted Yes  




Description Amount Effective Date Website
Employee Paid Family Leave Insurance (Wage base $168,600) 0.45% of employee's wage 2024

Colorado Family and Medical Leave Insurance


Employee Maximum Deduction Paid Family Leave Insurance $758.70 2024

Employer Paid Family Leave Insurance (Premium 0.9% split 50/50)

0.45% of employee's wage





Website Frequency / Method Forms
New Hire Same as federal requirements.


Electronic: website or FTP. Contact Colorado Department of Human Resources, Child Support Services





Description Amount Website Deposit Method / Frequency / Threshold Forms
City of Aurora - Occupational Privilege Tax (OPT)

$2.00 /month /employee

Employers match amount.

Aurora OPT

If gross earnings are $250 or more /month and employee works within the city for any period of time during month.

Filed monthly if more than 25 employees and quarterly if less than 25 employees.

Due on the last day of the month following the taxable period

See Website link.
City of Denver - Occupational Privilege Tax (OPT)

$5.75 /month /employee

$4.00 Employer pays per taxable employee

Additionally, the employer is required to pay the business OPT at a rate of $4.00 per month for each owner, partner, or manager engaged in business in Denver regardless of how much they earn.

Denver OPT

If gross earnings are $500 or more /month and employee works within the city for any period of time during month.

Monthly - All businesses with 10 or more employees - due last day of the month following the taxable month.

Quarterly - All businesses with fewer than 10 employee - 30-Apr, 31-Jul, 31-Oct and 31-Jan.

Annual Filing - Allowed for individuals, sole proprietors, and partnerships without employees - 31-Jan.

See website link.

OPT Withholding Certificate Denver (TD269)

City of Glendale - Occupational Privilege Tax (OPT)

$5.00 /month /employee

Employers match amount.

Self- employed individuals, owners, partners and officers who are not paid a salary or commission are subject to only the employer portion of the tax.

Glendale OPT

If gross earnings are $750 or more /month and employee works within the city for any period of time during month.

Monthly - > than sixty dollar ($60.00) tax liability per month

Quarterly - < than one hundred dollars ($100.00) in tax liability per quarter

Annually only upon approval of the Tax Inspector.

See website link.
City of Greenwood Village - Occupational Privilege Tax (OPT)

$2.00 /month /employee

Employers match amount.

Greenwood Village OPT

Must apply for Occupational Privilege Tax License. One-time fee of $10.00.

If $250 or more is earned in a calendar month.

Owners, partners, and officers who do not earn a minimum of $250 a month are only subject to the employer portion.

Mail in remittance form.


See website link.
City of Sheridan - Occupational Privilege Tax (OPT)

$3.00 / month /employee

Employers match amount.

Sheridan OPT

If gross earnings are $500 or more /month and employee works within the city for any period of time during month.

Al businesses in Sheridan or performing work in Sheridan required to pay minimum of $3.00 /month Business OPT even if there are no taxable employees.

See website link.





Disclaimer: This information is for reference only. To ensure accurate set up, we highly recommend that the information is verified with the applicable federal and state/provincial agencies. TimeTrex makes no claims, guarantees, or promises about the accuracy, current status, or completeness of the information provided. In no event shall TimeTrex be liable for any errors or omissions with respect to any resource information.


Last updated Jan 2024